
1. Section Headings

You can create headings by starting and ending a line with up to five equal signs. The heading text is between those markers, separated by a single space.

Headings can be automatically numbered, you can enable or disable this for each page (see #pragma section-numbers on HelpOnProcessingInstructions) and for the whole site (see show_section_numbers on HelpOnConfiguration).

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

  • /!\ Headings may not contain wiki markup.

    /!\ You cannot indent headings.

1.1. Example

= Heading =
== Subheading ==
=== Level 3 ===
==== Level 4 ====
===== Level 5 =====

1.2. Display

2. Heading

3. Subheading

3.1. Level 3

3.1.1. Level 4 Level 5

Note that proper section numbering requires you to order sections according to a valid structure, i.e. correctly nested. Our sample doesn't do this, so you get a different numbering scheme than you might expect.

4. section-numbers

Switches automatic numbering of section headers.

#pragma section-numbers off

off or 0 disable numbering, on or 1 enables numbering. The default mode is set by the show_section_numbers config option.

When enabling numbering, its possible to use specific heading level:

#pragma section-numbers 2

Only displays section numbers for headings of level 2 and up (similarly for 3 to 6).

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